AL-01- Do we have a challenger?

It appears that the Alabama State Democratic Party did a great job of recruiting and landed a worthy challenger to Jo Bonner (R:AL-01) on the last possible day for qualifying, Thomas E. Fuller of Chatom. Although I have not spoken to anyone in authority or to Mr. Fuller himself, his name does appear on the party’s “current candidates” list, and I am hopeful that we now have a shot at this seat.

Bonner has now served (or dis-served) three terms in this seat, and has proven himself one of George W. Bush’s most dependable allies in the war on human services and individual rights. As I said, I do not know the challenger but I find it hard to imagine a Democrat who would not be a huge improvement on Mr. Bonner. I look forward to working for Mr. Fuller’s election.

2 thoughts on “AL-01- Do we have a challenger?”

  1. I seldom post comments to my own diary, but the candidate just called to confirm that he is running and that he is planning an enthusiastic and serious campaign.  I still have no knowledge of his position on Progressive issues, but he ain’t Jo Bonner!

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